Remembrance Day

79 years

have passed since the end of the war, a war that was endured by millions for 6 years and a day.

In the busy, often chaotic pace of modern life, it’s essential to pause and remember the sacrifices made by so many. The voices of those who lived through that era are gradually fading as time moves forward, and with them, the first hand memories of what it was truly like to endure such times.

Without these reminders, the lessons and experiences of that history slip away.

The bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication of all soldiers who have served, then and now, holding their memory in deep gratitude and respect, the courageous canines who served alongside us, dedicating their lives to protection, loyalty, and service.

And as we reflect on the sacrifices made, we hold a special place in our hearts for all the soldiers and loyal dogs who continue to serve and have served in more recent fields of battle. From the battlefield to our homes, dogs have always been loyal companions, heroes, and healers.

Join us in honouring these incredible lives maimed or lost in conflict.

RememberTheirSacrifice #MADUK #RemembranceDay #RescueRehabRehome #Lestweforget

Known only unto God

Here there lies
Under southern skies
A young man loved by someone
Known unto God

Here there died
Under foreign skies
A young man loved by someone.

Known unto God

Long to remain underground
The boy who lost his name
Weeping mother is homeward bound
She failed to find his grave
I can hear the wind and sea
Forever they will be here to guard our sons

Here there lies
Under southern skies
A young man loved by someone

Known unto God

Here there lies
Under southern skies
A young man loved by someone
Known unto God

Here there died
Under foreign skies
A young man loved by someone.

Known unto God

Long to remain underground
The girl who lost her love
She will never hear the sound
Of the boy who won’t return

I can hear the wind and sea
Forever they will be here to guard our sons

Known only unto God

Credit JJBurnel, JBlack, DGreenfield, JEllis, PRoberts

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