
This girls story is a bit sad, but like all good fairy tales has a bit of a happy ending. She is also the reason we officially got put in motion following a late evening call of ‘can you help a pup’. Assess before treatment?

Due to her extreme emaciation it was difficult to give an exact age so even with adult teeth it was fairly wide range of 8 months to 5 years. After a mad dash decision and a few phones calls Xena was transported to us. Her official weight on arrival was 14.2Kgs.

The first few days were hairy, slowly allowing food and access to water, and touch and go whether her system was tolerating it as for a day or two she was incontinent.

Needless to say with the right care and slow and frequent feeding she has come along in leaps. Considering her treatment she has a sweet and level temperament and seems to not hold a grudge to humans who were the cause of her initial condition. Being very Shepherd in her behaviour enjoying games with toys and balls down to making us laugh when she tried to play with the hose, special exemption given

She is very handler orientated and gives no mind to other dogs or distractions but like most shepherds will chase cats given half a chance. She is currently in foster whilst building up her training and condition.

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